While we lie together under the bed,
hiding from each other,
trying to race ahead;
I open my mouth and there's no question,
but is there an answer?
Guess it depends on how far we run...
how far we'll run.
And so we stare and share a communion.
This room is a church;
this life, an illusion.
Seeing no evils, and hearing not one;
trying to translate,
but we're speaking in tongues.
While we hibernate, thinking of winter,
deciphering each other
and becoming the symbols;
I feel that I have something to prove,
but I can't decide what,
so I'll leave that up to you...
I'll leave it up to you.
And so we stare and share a communion.
This room is a church;
this life, an illusion.
Seeing no evils, and hearing not one;
trying to translate,
but we're speaking in tongues.
Your kiss, it's a moment's breadth,
a lion's roar, a joker's jest,
and I can't decide what to do with it.
Your eyes betray that they want to win,
and if I gave you the opportunity,
would you pass it up?
Would you defeat me?
So while we smile in our seclusion,
we seek conclusions to these tales.
We're well aware they have no beginnings,
and happy to try though we know we'll fail.
Come with me, speak in tongues...
we'll find our own translations.
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